
Monday, February 2, 2015

Top Colors for Accessories in 2014-2015: Best Selling Mitten Colors

I'm always interested to see which colors are the most popular in a given season. Last winter, iris purple was far and away a top pick. This year has been a little different (although highly influenced by LEGO Halloween costumes). Read on to see which colors were the most popular in the 2014-2015 fall/winter season!

#1: Sunshine - Yellow

Sunshine was hands down the most popular color. This is because of all of the yellow mittens sold for LEGO hands for Halloween costumes! More than 30 pairs were ordered in just a few short weeks back in October. Wow.

This color is still nice for winter time, to brighten up a dreary day.  :)

sunshine yellow mittens

#2: Pagoda - Teal

Pagoda is a rich jewel tone and it's one of my favorite mitten colors, probably second only to iris. It is consistently popular each year. 

pagoda teal mittens

#3: Ocean - Blue

Ocean is a slightly moody and unique shade of blue. I think it's particularly popular this year due to its similarity in hue to Anna's costume from Frozen.

ocean blue mittens

#4: Black

Who doesn't love classic and basic black? It goes with everything, rarely looks dirty, and adds some polish to your outfit. We have trouble keeping black in stock, so if you'd like a pair but don't see it in your size, just request a custom order!

black mittens

#5: Blue Mint

Rounding out the top five colors is actually a tie! One of the tied colors is called blue mint. It's a lighter blue shade, also reminiscent of Anna, which I think boosted its popularity. This is a nice vibrant blue hue.

blue mint mittens

#5: Red

Red is tied for fifth most popular color. Another classic, this one is commonly chosen for kids. It's a traditional color for children's mittens. And I think it reminds some people of the mittens that their grandmothers knitted for them. You might not be able to knit, but you can have made-by-a-grandmother mittens for your family via Marion's Mittens.  :)

red mittens

That's the top five most popular colors of Marion's Mittens this year. Don't see a color you like? Don't worry - we offer more than 30 colors!

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