
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Finding and Cleaning Up an Antique Sewing Cabinet

During my road trip to Green Mountain Spinnery and Basketville I also stopped at several Vermont antique shops. Big Red Barn had some reasonably priced treasures and almost everything was on sale.

Buried beneath trinkets, the popped open top drawer of this piece caught my eye. Nothing catches my attention like a secret compartment or a unique piece of furniture like this!

antique thread cabinet

It's a sewing cabinet with a swing out top drawer that has built in thread spool storage. It even came with a little bit of thread inside.

vintage thread spools

It just looks like a normal drawer when it's closed. As you can see, it wasn’t in the prettiest shape when I found it.

antique thread cabinet

A good cleaning and some beeswax polish made a big difference in how the cabinet looks.

antique thread cabinet

I did a little research and found similar swing out drawers for spools but nothing just like this one. It looks like the base might have been attached later, so maybe this was re-purposed.

antique thread cabinet

See a little video clip of how it works on my Instagram

Read about my other piece of vintage sewing furniture, a Martha Washington 


  1. I have one exactly like this. It belonged to my great aunt. The legs/base are all part of the original. Mine just has wobbly legs but is in otherwise good shape.

  2. I have one very similar to this as well! Only difference is instead of one knob on each drawer mine has two little wooden knobs. I am getting ready to paint my stand.
