Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Product Photography! Improving the Photos in the Marion's Mittens Etsy Shop

If you've visited the Marion's Mittens Etsy shop recently, you may have noticed that our pictures are getting better. Over the last week I've retaken most of the photos of our adult mittens.

The lighting on most of the old photos was pretty bad. And although I liked the natural wood backgrounds I had used, they were inconsistent.

It's a long process! First I've got to get the lighting just right. This is tough because some colors are more challenging to photograph than others. It's really important to me that the color is depicted as accurately as possible in each listing.

I shoot each pair of mittens from five angles. I'm wearing them in two of the shots.

Then it's time to make any minor edits and upload the photos!

Right now there are 33 pairs of adult mittens in the shop, so as you can imagine this took a while.

Next up are photos of the kids' mittens. These might not be done right away because I don't have any models on hand (no pun intended, although it is funny!). My hands are on the small side but not quite as small as a 5-6 year old's.  ;)

Visit the shop and check out the new photos of the mittens for adults.

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